Guiding You Through Life’s Shifts, Twists and Turns One HA-HA Moment at a Time

Solve some of life’s complicated equations with a simple L+A+U+G+H+T+E+R formula.


Craig Shoemaker has meticulously generated a formula to arrive at the healing powers of laughter and looks forward to solving many relationship and life equations with you through 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

CLICK HERE to continue on your journey of self improvement and true enlightenment.


Take Laughter Seriously.

Try Something With Me:

Breathe in through the nose. Now exhale with a big, resounding HA! Again. Through the nose. Exhale. HA! And again, but this time I want you to add as many HA’s at the end that you can. HAHAHAHAHAHA…

See? Made you laugh. Felt great, didn’t it? In my Enlightened Up coaching program and upcoming workshops you’ll learn that you already possess the internal tools you need to take life one HA-HA moment at a time!

Get Enlightened Up Weekly

The Enlightened Up Podcast is a weekly show hosted by Comedian and Coach Craig Shoemaker. Tune in for a new episode every Thursday for some inspiring talk and lots of fun with incredible celebrity guests! Each show focuses on enlightening you up and taking laughter seriously. Join Craig and friends as they guide you through life’s shifts, twists and turns. Find it on Spotify, YouTube and Apple Music. Click the image and be prepared for some serious laughs!

Coaching Programs, Speaking Engagements and Workshops

Laughter REALLY IS the best Medicine! We have a pharmacy within us and we have to access it.

When was the last time you really laughed out loud? You can feel that way again.

Years of using comedy as both a personal and professional tool has prepared Craig Shoemaker to motivate you with laughter, share his truths and leave you with a set of coping tools of your own to find your funny and be enlightened up.

1-on-1 coaching programs, speaking engagements and workshops will teach you how to use laughter to get out of your most difficult times, make connections and reconnect with yourself as well as others. Learn the techniques to relieve stress, boost your mood, and have an upbeat happier more joy-filled life through Craig Shoemaker’s L+A+U+G+H+T+E+R formula!

The best time to laugh is when you can.
— Craig Shoemaker